Every individual can contribute to sustainability through personal lifestyle choices. Our footprint calculator illustrates this in a vivid manner: By answering simple questions about your daily life you can quickly estimate the amount of CO2 emissions generated within the areas of home life, what you eat, travel, as well as holiday and leisure. At the end you can compare your result with the European and the worldwide average and save it as PDF. The calculator can be used on computers as well as on mobile devices.
By using this calculator, you can evaluate the “climate friendliness” of your daily life and, at the same time, support current research on sustainable lifestyles conducted by the Wuppertal Institute: Every participant can contribute his or her anonymous results to an empirical database designed to better understand consumer behavior. The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy explores and develops guiding principles, strategies and tools to foster more sustainable development on the regional, national and international level. Find more information about the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy on www.wupperinst.org
A sharp increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is heating the planet and is the main cause of climate change. Unless lifestyles and economic strategies around the world are adapted, the average global temperature could rise by up to 5°C by the end of this century – with serious consequences. Climate scientists advise that to prevent this, the global temperature increase must be limited to well below 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures. To achieve this, the annual level of CO2 emission per person must be reduced worldwide from 5 tons to less than 2 tons.
Climate change is one of the major global challenges of our time. At Henkel, we are committed to achieving the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement. The risks for society and for our company are significantly lower at a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius than at 2 degrees Celsius.
Our primary climate change mitigation focus is on our own sites and production. This is an area where we can have a direct impact and where we have set ourselves ambitious timelines and absolute reduction targets. We want to continually improve our energy efficiency and to use more energy from renewable sources, particularly electricity and heat.
In addition to our activities at our own sites, we aim to leverage our influence on areas of our value chain that are particularly relevant to CO2 emissions. Analysis shows that the product use phase has the greatest impact on our CO2 footprint, especially in consumer markets. Our products are used millions of times a day in households and industrial processes. Therefore, Henkel supports the goal of promoting sustainable and resource-efficient consumption. The Henkel footprint calculator helps individuals to calculate their CO2 footprint and can help them make a personal contribution to limiting climate change.